1) EDNA Publikationen
Do we really need “counter narratives”? And what would that be anyway? – The narrative approach to audio-visual media in deradicalisation and prevention of violent extremism and hate crime. Harald WeilnböckDeradicalising Narratives within the RAN approach – what can and what cannot be done in media based interventions. Harald Weilnböck
As to solutions: Some guidelines of good-practice in creating deradicalization narratives for the internet and social media. Harald Weilnböck
Rehabilitating perpetrators of violent extremism and hate crime: The importance of gender-based approaches and the limits of online interventions - Counter-messaging and counter-arguing is invaluable for the resilience of our societies, but often does not have the intended impact on the target group, since arguing only strengthens their radicalisation. So what should we do? Harald Weilnböck
Online Deradicalisation? – What Can and What Cannot Be Done via Internet and Social Media. Harald Weilnböck
Trends / challenges in European radicalisation awareness and prevention initiatives – inter agency and community embedded approaches, gender issues, internet / social media. Harald Weilnböck
2) Andere Publikationen
Was können medien- und internetgestützte Interventionen erreichen – und was nicht. Zur Methode der ‚Deradikalisierenden Narrative’. Harald Weilnböck, In: Baer, Möller, Wiechmann (2014): Handlungskonzepte für die Arbeit mit rechtsaffinen Jugendlichen. Budrich Verlag, 2014, S. 255-268
Das narrative Prinzip: Good Practice-Interventionen im Kontext des Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN).Harald Weilnböck, In: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (Hrsg.): Rechtsextremismus in Europa Länderanalysen, Gegenstrategien und arbeitsmarktorientierte Ausstiegsarbeit, 2013, p. 397-428